Return Of The Cyklops
Invizibl Skratch Pikl Mixmaster Mike and also the Beastie Boys DJ is one of the most technically proficient DJ’s in the world. Double L from the always excellent Ashpohodel label. Excellent copy Vinyl is almost NM and sleeve is great too.
The third full-length from Invisibl Skratch Piklz member Mixmaster Mike is a compilation of three previously released EPs, Eye of the Cyklops, Valuemeal, and Surprize Packidge. It’s mostly a showcase for his scratching ability, and Mixmaster Mike most definitely has skills. He fires off snippets of songs and sounds at the listener, but isn’t interested in creating his own songs and rarely spends more than a minute or even 30 seconds on one groove. The material he uses is mostly unfamiliar; he has scanned far and wide for original records and beats to screw with. However, there are some old-school snippets chucked into the mix every so often.
- A01Trashcan
- A02Human Torch
- A03Patrol Knob
- A04Bermuda Tri-Axl
- A05Counter Attack Now
- A06Harsky & Starch
- B01Dwarf 9
- B02Cummm Get Summm
- B03Dented Fridge
- B04Gravity
- B05Bazooka Kanyon
- C01Messy Marvin
- C02Audio Mass
- C03Monster Eyeland
- C04Grudge Match
- D01AtmosFear