The Story Of O (Uncut Version) DVD Arrow Film
After being initiated into the ways of sadistic relationships – receiving basic training in the rules of submission, with special emphasis on Being Chained and Being Whipped – a young woman named ‘O’ finds herself much in demand. This infamous slice of soft-core art-porn was refused certification when originally submitted to the British Film Censors in the mid 1970s but was eventually passed uncut.
A young woman learns the pleasure of totally subjugating her body to the man she loves. Based on Pauline Reage’s best-selling erotic novel printed in 23 countries. “Story Of ‘O'” is based on the hugely successful S&M novel that has been read by millions of people worldwide. The author Pauline Reage tells the story of a beautiful young woman known only as ‘O’ who is taken by her boyfriend Rene to a chateau just outside Paris. There ‘O’ is trained in bondage and sexual perversion. ‘O’ is deeply in love with Rene and in order to prove her love she allows herself to be subjected to all kinds of degradation and abuse. Finally, Rene discharges a personal debt by transfering possession of ‘O’ to his stepbrother Sir Stephen. In the film which produced in 1975, Just Jaeckin the director explores the cruel world in which ‘O’ finds herself. A world of sado-masochism and kinky and bizarre sexual practices. The film was refused certification when it was originally submitted, has now been passed uncut by the British Board Of Film Classification.