voltage controlled organism resonance CD
01 voltage controlled organism resonance CD
01 voltage controlled organism resonance CD
voltage controlled organism resonance CD
01 voltage controlled organism resonance CD
01 voltage controlled organism resonance CD


New Condition


Short run of highest quality CD-R’s in chipboard sleeve. Based on The Profound Dharma of Self-Liberation through the Intention of the Peaceful and Wrathful Ones.


May the ethereal elements not rise up as enemies;
May it come that we shall see the Realm of the Blue Buddha.
May the watery elements not rise up as enemies;
May it come that we shall see the Realm of the White Buddha.
May the earthy elements not rise up as enemies;
May it come that we shall see the Realm of the Yellow Buddha.
May the fiery elements not rise up as enemies;
May is come that we shall see the Realm of the Red Buddha.
May the airy elements not rise up as enemies;
May it come that we shall see the Realm of the Green Buddha.
May the elements of the rainbow colours not rise up as enemies;
May it come that all the Realms of the Buddhas will be seen.
May it come that all the Sounds will be known as one’s own sounds;
May it come that all the Radiances will be known as one’s own radiances;
May it come that the Tri-Kaya will be realized in the Bardo.
– Tibetan Book of the Dead